Getting started


Before executing any neomodel code, set the connection url:

from neomodel import config
config.DATABASE_URL = 'bolt://neo4j_username:neo4j_password@localhost:7687'  # default

This must be called early on in your app, if you are using Django the file is ideal.

See the Configuration page (Connection) for config options.

If you are using your neo4j server for the first time you will need to change the default password. This can be achieved by visiting the neo4j admin panel (default: http://localhost:7474 ).

Querying the graph

neomodel is mainly used as an OGM (see next section), but you can also use it for direct Cypher queries :

from neomodel import db
results, meta = db.cypher_query("RETURN 'Hello World' as message")

Defining Node Entities and Relationships

Below is a definition of three related nodes Person, City and Country:

from neomodel import (config, StructuredNode, StringProperty, IntegerProperty,
    UniqueIdProperty, RelationshipTo)

config.DATABASE_URL = 'bolt://neo4j_username:neo4j_password@localhost:7687'

class Country(StructuredNode):
    code = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True)

class City(StructuredNode):
    name = StringProperty(required=True)
    country = RelationshipTo(Country, 'FROM_COUNTRY')

class Person(StructuredNode):
    uid = UniqueIdProperty()
    name = StringProperty(unique_index=True)
    age = IntegerProperty(index=True, default=0)

    # traverse outgoing IS_FROM relations, inflate to Country objects
    country = RelationshipTo(Country, 'IS_FROM')

    # traverse outgoing LIVES_IN relations, inflate to City objects
    city = RelationshipTo(City, 'LIVES_IN')

Nodes are defined in the same way classes are defined in Python with the only difference that data members of those classes that are intended to be stored to the database must be defined as neomodel property objects. For more detailed information on property objects please see the section on Property types.

If you have a need to attach “ad-hoc” properties to nodes that have not been specified at its definition, then consider deriving from the SemiStructuredNode class.

Relationships are defined via Relationship, RelationshipTo, RelationshipFrom objects. RelationshipTo, RelationshipFrom can also specify the direction that a relationship would be allowed to be traversed. In this particular example, Country objects would be accessible by Person objects but not the other way around.

When the relationship can be bi-directional, please avoid establishing two complementary RelationshipTo, RelationshipFrom relationships and use Relationship, on one of the class definitions instead. In all of these cases, navigability matters more to the model as defined in Python. A relationship will be established in Neo4J but in the case of Relationship it will be possible to be queried in either direction.

Neomodel automatically creates a label for each StructuredNode class in the database with the corresponding indexes and constraints.

Database Inspection - Requires APOC

You can inspect an existing Neo4j database to generate a neomodel definition file using the inspect command:

$ neomodel_inspect_database -db bolt://neo4j_username:neo4j_password@localhost:7687 --write-to yourapp/

This will generate a file called in the yourapp directory. This file can be used as a starting point, and will contain the necessary module imports, as well as class definition for nodes and, if relevant, relationships.

Ommitting the --db argument will default to the NEO4J_BOLT_URL environment variable. This is useful for masking your credentials.

Note that you can also print the output to the console instead of writing a file by omitting the --write-to option.

If you have a database with a large number of nodes and relationships, this script can take a long time to run (during our tests, it took 30 seconds for 500k nodes and 1.3M relationships). You can speed it up by not scanning for relationship properties and/or relationship cardinality, using these options : --no-rel-props and --no-rel-cardinality. Note that this will still add relationship definition to your nodes, but without relationship models ; and cardinality will be default (ZeroOrMore).


This command will only generate the definition for nodes and relationships that are present in the database. If you want to generate a complete definition file, you will need to add the missing classes manually.

Also, this has only been tested with single-label nodes. If you have multi-label nodes, you will need to double check, and add the missing labels manually in the relevant way.

Finally, relationship cardinality is guessed from the database by looking at existing relationships, so it might guess wrong on edge cases.


The script relies on the method apoc.meta.cypher.types to parse property types. So APOC must be installed on your Neo4j server for this script to work.

Applying constraints and indexes

After creating a model in Python, any constraints or indexes must be applied to Neo4j and neomodel provides a script (neomodel_install_labels) to automate this:

$ neomodel_install_labels someapp.models --db bolt://neo4j_username:neo4j_password@localhost:7687

It is important to execute this after altering the schema and observe the number of classes it reports.

Ommitting the --db argument will default to the NEO4J_BOLT_URL environment variable. This is useful for masking your credentials.

Remove existing constraints and indexes

Similarly, neomodel provides a script (neomodel_remove_labels) to automate the removal of all existing constraints and indexes from the database, when this is required:

$ neomodel_remove_labels --db bolt://neo4j_username:neo4j_password@localhost:7687

After executing, it will print all indexes and constraints it has removed.

Ommitting the --db argument will default to the NEO4J_BOLT_URL environment variable. This is useful for masking your credentials.

Create, Update, Delete operations

Using convenience methods such as:

jim = Person(name='Jim', age=3).save() # Create
jim.age = 4 # Update, (with validation)
jim.refresh() # reload properties from the database
jim.element_id # neo4j internal element id

Retrieving nodes

Using the .nodes class property:

# Return all nodes
all_nodes = Person.nodes.all()

# Returns Person by'Jim' or raises neomodel.DoesNotExist if no match
jim = Person.nodes.get(name='Jim')

.nodes.all() and .nodes.get() can also accept a lazy=True parameter which will result in those functions simply returning the node IDs rather than every attribute associated with that Node.

# Will return None unless "bob" exists
someone = Person.nodes.get_or_none(name='bob')

# Will return the first Person node with the name bob. This raises neomodel.DoesNotExist if there's no match.
someone = Person.nodes.first(name='bob')

# Will return the first Person node with the name bob or None if there's no match
someone = Person.nodes.first_or_none(name='bob')

# Return set of nodes
people = Person.nodes.filter(age__gt=3)


Working with relationships:

germany = Country(code='DE').save()
berlin = City(name='Berlin').save()

    print("Jim's from Germany")

for p in germany.inhabitant.all():
    print( # Jim

len(germany.inhabitant) # 1

# Find people called 'Jim' in germany'Jim')

# Find all the people called in germany except 'Jim'

# Remove Jim's country relationship with Germany

usa = Country(code='US').save()

# Remove all of Jim's country relationships
# Replace Jim's country relationship with a new one

Retrieving additional relations

To avoid queries multiplication, you have the possibility to retrieve additional relations with a single call:

# The following call will generate one MATCH with traversal per
# item in .fetch_relations() call
results = Person.nodes.all().fetch_relations('country')
for result in results:
    print(result[0]) # Person
    print(result[1]) # associated Country

You can traverse more than one hop in your relations using the following syntax:

# Go from person to City then Country

You can also force the use of an OPTIONAL MATCH statement using the following syntax:

from neomodel.match import Optional

results = Person.nodes.all().fetch_relations(Optional('country'))


You can fetch one or more relations within the same call to .fetch_relations() and you can mix optional and non-optional relations, like:

Person.nodes.all().fetch_relations('city__country', Optional('country'))


This feature is still a work in progress for extending path traversal and fecthing. It currently stops at returning the resolved objects as they are returned in Cypher. So for instance, if your path looks like (startNode:Person)-[r1]->(middleNode:City)<-[r2]-(endNode:Country), then you will get a list of results, where each result is a list of (startNode, r1, middleNode, r2, endNode). These will be resolved by neomodel, so startNode will be a Person class as defined in neomodel for example.

If you want to go further in the resolution process, you have to develop your own parser (for now).

Async neomodel

neomodel supports asynchronous operations using the async support of neo4j driver. The examples below take a few of the above examples, but rewritten for async:

from neomodel import adb
results, meta = await adb.cypher_query("RETURN 'Hello World' as message")

OGM with async

# Note that properties do not change, but nodes and relationships now have an Async prefix
from neomodel import (AsyncStructuredNode, StringProperty, IntegerProperty,
    UniqueIdProperty, AsyncRelationshipTo)

class Country(AsyncStructuredNode):
    code = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True)

class City(AsyncStructuredNode):
    name = StringProperty(required=True)
    country = AsyncRelationshipTo(Country, 'FROM_COUNTRY')

# Operations that interact with the database are now async
# Return all nodes
# Note that the nodes object is awaitable as is
all_nodes = await Country.nodes

# Relationships
germany = await Country(code='DE').save()

Most _dunder_ methods for nodes and relationships had to be overriden to support async operations. The following methods are supported

# Examples below are taken from the various tests. Please check them for more examples.
# Length
dogs_bonanza = await Dog.nodes.get_len()
# Sync equivalent - __len__
dogs_bonanza = len(Dog.nodes)
# Note that len(Dog.nodes) is more efficient than Dog.nodes.__len__

# Existence
assert not await Customer.nodes.filter(email="").check_bool()
# Sync equivalent - __bool__
assert not Customer.nodes.filter(email="")
# Also works for check_nonzero => __nonzero__

# Contains
assert await Coffee.nodes.check_contains(aCoffeeNode)
# Sync equivalent - __contains__
assert aCoffeeNode in Coffee.nodes

# Get item
assert len(list((await Coffee.nodes)[1:])) == 2
# Sync equivalent - __getitem__
assert len(list(Coffee.nodes[1:])) == 2